Saturday, February 21, 2009

Faculty Forms

Blank SLO form
Individual Assessment Analysis form
Department/Division Assessment Analysis Form

SLOs by Division

Here is the current (as of May '09) worksheet of division course SLOs. Remember that they are always subject to change as assessment elicits revision.

SCC Core Competencies

SCC has modeled its Institutional and General Education SLOs after Cabrillo's Core Competencies. Click here to view our "Core 4."

SLO History at Solano

Here is the history of how SCC SLOs have developed.
Our F 08 priorities.
Our original SLO assessment cycle.
Our SLO basics and pilot process brochure.
An initial vision of how Outcomes connect accross campus.
Our initial SLO approval process.

Friday, February 20, 2009


Thank you for visiting SCC's Outcomes Blog. We are still under construction, so bear with me, but I hope that eventually this will be a one-stop-shop for all your SLO (Student Learning Outcome) or SAO (Service Area Outcome) needs. Keep checking in for updates.

Campus-Wide SLO Reports

Here is our Spring 08 SLO Report.

Here is our SLO report for Fall 08.

Here is our Spring 09 SLO Report.